Starting a Blog in a Pandemic
Call me crazy

2020 has brought all of us a tremendous amount of stress, worry, uncertainty, and doubt in the systems we once put so much faith in. I personally have experienced the stress of it all. While 2020 has been hard on many of us, I believe that after a storm, comes breakthrough.
Call me crazy, but I decided to start a business and a blog in the middle of this mess! I have not always made the best of decisions in my life, but this one, I’m pretty certain will work. (And if not, then, back to [traditional] work I go!) In any case, I just decided that I’m not going to be afraid. It really could be the scariest thing ever, or the best decision I’ve ever made. Time will tell.
So, really though, you’re probably asking how I came to such a seemingly irrational decision. Well, it started with Stay at Home orders…
Stay at Home
When schools closed in March and did not reopen for the rest of the year in Alabama, I had six weeks of time at home with my tween and my toddler. I worked full time from home, and I did all the mom things, homeschooled my 6th grader, ran around after my toddler, and it was HARD, but we got through it! It took some creative problem solving, but we managed to figure it out and make it work. Summer has not been much different, but one thing I’ve really figured out I enjoy is being home more.
With no social events going on, I really struggled at first. I felt so isolated. I occupied myself with puzzles and cooking new recipes. But then, I started embracing a new way of life, and I stopped being fearful. See, when I get fearful and stressed, I try to occupy my mind and time with lots of things so I don’t have to think about all of the problems. This time, I realized it, and I realized that wasn’t healthy or helping me move forward. So I decided I would stop doing that, try to be more still, and pray.
Then, I started reading my Bible app every day. This is a discipline that I have yet to keep up all the time, but for the last few months, I’ve been seeking God in this way, and I have felt so much closer to Him, and so much more at peace through this crazy world we’re living in.
Fresh Vision
While I was doing that, God gave me new direction and fresh vision for my life. I think he sees my heart is to be home more with my family, and he gave me a clear picture of what that could look like, while still working on the things I enjoy. I came to the conclusion that it looked like me owning my own business and blog, and working entirely from home.
While I have grown to love The WellHouse women so much during my full time work there, I also know that I don’t have to stop serving them or working with The WellHouse in this new endeavor. I’ll be managing The WellHouse social media accounts and continuing as their Communications Specialist on a contract basis. I plan to take on one or two other clients as well. This gives me the space and freedom to work on this blog, which is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, and spend more quality time with my little ones and hubby.
A little about me, I love DIY projects, home decor, style and entertaining, as well as talking about faith, family, inner self, and relationships. In another post, I’ll explain how I came to faith and how God rewired my mind to start believing in myself and becoming secure in who I am, after a long period of believing I was worthless. I realize a lot of women struggle with this. So while I will share plenty of home and clothing styles for you to enjoy, I also want to talk about the real stuff, the imperfect stuff, the stuff we deal with every day on the inside that affects everything we do on the outside. To me, that’s what truly matters.
Thank you for being on this journey with me! I can’t wait to get started.